Documenting Your Brand story

Keeping track of your brand’s journey doesn’t have to be a chore. Let’s face it — you’re busy enough running your business, the last thing on your mind is documenting every milestone. But there’s plenty of easy ways to remember your journey as an entrepreneur without adding to your ever-growing to-do list.

1. Use Your Phone’s Camera

It’s 2024, and we all have a camera in our pocket. Whenever something significant happens, snap a few photos or shoot a quick video. Whether it’s an event, a product launch, or even just a behind-the-scenes moment, capturing it visually is a powerful way to record your brand’s story. You can even turn the camera on yourself and talk through what’s happening—think of it like a mini vlog for your business. This kind of documentation isn’t just for personal records; you can repurpose this content for social media to show your audience the evolution of your brand. Take it one step further and create an album on your phone that you house all of this content in!

2. Make Friends with Your Notes App

The Notes app is a lifesaver. Use it to jot down important events, random ideas, or even insights you don’t want to forget. The beauty of it is that it’s always accessible. You don’t need a fancy system—just a place where you can quickly type out a note whenever something noteworthy happens. The more you get into this habit, the more you’ll realize how valuable it is to have all these little details written down when you look back and see the progress your brand has made. Don’t forget to add a date to every entry so you can pinpoint exactly when that milestone or stroke of genius hit.

3. Journal Weekly for Reflection

Pick one day each week to reflect on what’s been going on. Whether you’re more into writing or typing, take 10-15 minutes at the start or end of the week to summarize what you accomplished, any challenges you faced, and anything new you learned. You don’t need to write a novel—just keep it simple. Over time, this journaling practice will help you track how far you’ve come. Plus, it’s a great way to create a story-led timeline of your brand’s evolution, which you can share when you want to highlight your growth.

4. Build a Timeline

Creating a visual timeline of your brand’s key moments can be incredibly motivating. This is where platforms like Notion come in handy. You can start a timeline that includes launches, milestones, achievements, and more. Regularly updating it will give you a big-picture view of your brand’s progress, and it’s a perfect tool when you need to showcase your journey to potential clients or collaborators. Plus, Notion lets you organize everything in one place, making it easy to keep things updated.

5. Share It!

Don’t keep all this documentation to yourself! Sharing snippets of your brand’s journey—whether through photos, videos, or written reflections—on platforms like Instagram or LinkedIn can help build a stronger connection with your audience. People love seeing the behind-the-scenes moments and growth of a brand. It makes your story feel real, and more relatable, and it gives your followers something to root for.

Documenting your brand doesn’t have to feel like homework. Use your phone, write quick notes, journal your weekly wins, and build a living timeline that keeps track of everything. Whether you share these moments with your audience or keep them for yourself, these small actions help you see your progress, remember key moments, and build a strong brand story over time.

Ready to grow your business alongside other female entrepreneurs? Join The Braaand Lab: a DIY branding course and community of badass women building the brands of their dreams.


Krista Williams & Lindsey Simcik, Hosts of the Almost30 Podcast


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